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As we all know, if the ground is not flat enough, the epoxy floor paint will be more obvious. The reflection of the ground looks crooked, seriously affecting the beauty of the epoxy floor. Ordinary cement floor or other low brightness ground, will not produce reflection, so if the ground is not too uneven, we can not see, will not produce uncomfortable feeling. But if the brightness of the epoxy floor paint (smooth surface) or concrete sealant is improved, a little unevenness of the ground can be easily seen. Because objects on the ground can be reflected, it's easy to judge where they are uneven based on these reflections. 


For the ground with reflections, unevenness is very important to the appearance. Whoever looks like a twisted image will feel uncomfortable, and Virgo's little companions will be even worse. Epoxy floor paint is only a layer of surface paint, which does not determine the smoothness of the construction. Unless you do the epoxy self-leveling of the thick coating type, you can use the paint to make up the uneven ground, otherwise the smoothness of the epoxy floor is largely determined by the original ground smoothness.

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